
The Czech Republic


Head to the very heart of Europe to explore the Czech Republic, a land of rich history where cultures of the West and East meet. During WWII, the Czech territories suffered from an extremely long period of occupation: they were invaded by Nazi Germany in March 1939 and were among the last to be liberated in 1945. Nowadays the country has become a major cultural destination offering a wealth of natural beauty and monuments of UNESCO cultural heritage. Explore Czech medieval towns and discover breathtaking views in the picturesque countryside. Wander through majestic castles and chateaux, Gothic palaces and fortresses that will let you travel through time. Explore the region of Western Bohemia and find in the city of Pilsen several fascinating commemoration places retracing the liberation of the country, and in May you can attend the city’s unique ‘Liberation Festival‘, which includes many military and historical events and a rich cultural programme.

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