
Airborne at the Bridge

The Battle of Arnhem, the biggest airborne landing operation of the Second World War, took place in and around Arnhem in September 1944. It formed part of Operation Market Garden. The goal of the Operation was for Polish, British and American airborne forces to capture the important bridges across the Dutch rivers so that ground troops could advance via these bridges. But the Operation failed…

Airborne at the Bridge introduces you to this violent chapter in our history and provides food for thought. This location stands for freedom and for the commemoration of everyone who fought for our freedom. With its phenomenal view of the world-famous John Frost Bridge, Airborne at the Bridge tells its visitors the personal stories of the British lieutenant John Grayburn, the German Hauptsturmführer Viktor Eberhard Gräbner and the Dutch captain Jacob Groenewoud who fought and died here during the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944.


Tourist information  

Airborne at the Bridge is a new reception location for the city of Arnhem. Here we can receive our visitors and the inhabitants of the city; the Tourist Office information kiosk has up-to-date information about events in the city and the region. Our hosts and hostesses are happy to provide you with information about Operation Market Garden and other locations related to this theme. The shop offers attractive souvenirs and special gifts.

Airborne at the Bridge is an annex of the Airborne Museum ‘Hartenstein’ in Oosterbeek. In the Airborne Museum, you can discover the whole story of the Battle of Arnhem. This museum is housed in Villa Hartenstein, which was the headquarters of the British in 1944. In the underground Airborne Experience you can follow in the footsteps of a British parachutist. Temporary exhibitions shed new perspectives on the Battle of Arnhem.

Airborne at the Bridge

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