
Beach Head Commonwealth War Cemetery

The Beach Head War Cemetery near Anzio is a Commonwealth Cemetery of the Second World War. In all, the cemetery contains 2,316 graves, 291 of unknown soldiers. 1,917 graves belong to soldiers from the United Kingdom, followed by 68 Canadian graves. The other casualties are from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.

The Beach Head War Cemetery (not to be confused with the Anzio War Cemetery) is located 5 km north of Anzio town and is managed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. It houses 2,316 soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Second World War from the Commonwealth. 1,917 graves belong to soldiers from the United Kingdom. 68 Canadians form the second largest group, followed by soldiers from South Africa (25) Australia (6), India (5) and New Zealand (4). In addition there is also the grave of one soldier of the First World War.

The site of the cemetery originally lay close to a casualty clearing station. Burials were made directly from the battlefield. At first only for casualties of the landings at Anzio on January 1944, and later after the army had moved forward, many graves were also brought in from the surrounding countryside.

The tombstones are in a muted stone with name, age, regiment, regimental insignia, date of death and a religious symbol depicted on them. 291 graves of unidentified soldiers bear the inscription ‘A soldier of the 1939 – 1945 war’ and ‘Known unto God’, with the regimental affiliation if available.

The cemetery is full of colour: with roses, pansies, impatiens and others laid out in front of the tombstones and arbours of roses, wisteria and jasmine covering a number of pathways. The cemetery was designed by Louis de Savoie-Carignan de Soissons, a well-known British architect and urbanist who realized 45 British war cemeteries.


The cemetery lies 5 km north of Anzio town on the road No.207. Commission signs are visible 150 metre from the cemetery. The cemetery is permanently open and may be visited anytime.

Beach Head Commonwealth War Cemetery

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