
Bunker Museum Terschelling

The Bunker Museum Terschelling consists out of a bunker complex which is free to visit. Four of the bunkers are open for public and in one of them the visitor centre is located in which an exhibiton can be seen about the history of the Atlantic Wall.

During the Second World War the German army build different stands as part of the Atlantic Wall. One of these was the radar stand Tiger, which is one of the few stands in the Netherlands still completely intact nowadays. The complex of seven acres consists out of approximately a hundred bunkers, of which four of them function as a museum at this moment. In these bunkers it is shown how they were used during the Second World War. For example one of them functioned as a prison while another one was used as a command centre. The visitor centre is located in the bunker which used to be the canteen for the German troops. It is also possible to do a guided tour on the terrain.

Foundation Bunkerbehoud Terschelling is responsible for the maintenance of the Tigerstelling. At the end of the 70’s Staatsbosbeheer decided to put the bunkers under the sand because of safety reasons. However, from 2012 a large group of volunteers is busy with exposing part of the bunkers and furnishing them. Three of the four bunkers were completely under the sand and with cranes and shovels more than 4,000 m3 of sand had to be removed for them to reach the surface. Huge amounts of sand and debris were removed from the bunkers, after which electricity was installed. The four bunkers are now equipped with the original cabling again.

Bunker Museum Terschelling

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