
German War Cemetery Ysselsteyn

The military cemetery can be found in Ysselsteyn, Netherlands, in the Province of Limburg close to the German border. The cemetery is the only German military cemetery in the whole Netherlands. 85 killed soldiers from the First World War and almost 32.000 from the Second World War are buried here on a territory of 28 hectares.

For each killed soldier one cross has been placed. The data (name, grave location, dates of birth and death, rank – if known) have been written on the crosses with white color. Rewriting the data belongs – among other things – to the work which is regularly done by the young people staying in our Center. There are approximately 5000 unknown soldiers buried on this cemetery. These are buried in graves with crosses on which it reads “Ein Deutscher Soldat”. In the information building at the entrance area of the graveyard you will find a lot of interesting information.

German War Cemetery Ysselsteyn