
Historial Charles de Gaulle

The Charles de Gaulle Historial presents the story of a man whose life is closely linked to the liberation of France. The museum uses high-tech multimedia equipment to unfold the career path of the general and help visitors understand the extent of Charles de Gaulle’s stamp on the history of France.

Located in the heart of l’Hôtel des Invalides, part to the Army museum, a specific area is devoted to Charles de Gaulle. De Gaulle was the mouthpiece of the French citizens who didn’t accept the defeat of France in spring 1940. The Resistance in France and the Allied Governments saw him progressively as the true and sole leader of France.

On 25 August 1944, de Gaulle drove across Paris which had just been liberated. He was then at the head of the Provisional Government of the French Republic (Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française). The day after, his triumphal parade on the Champs-Élysées showed how popular he had become in the public eye. Thanks to de Gaulle, France not only regained its sovereignty but also its republican and democratic identity compromised by the collaboration of the Vichy government.

The Charles de Gaulle Historial was inaugurated in 2008. The museum consists of a multimedia room with high-tech equipment. Five screens enable visitors to watch a 20 minute film unfolding the major historical events Charles de Gaulle was involved in. Visitors can also listen to a synchronized audio guide and use multimedia and interactive devices to delve deeper into a subject.

Historial Charles de Gaulle

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