


The Allied invasion of Europe started in Normandy on June 6, 1944 with the iconic D-Day invasion. The Battle of Normandy ensued and lasted for almost three months, leaving the countryside completely devastated. Nowadays, you will find in the region various ways to honour the heavy price that was paid for Europe to regain its freedom. Start wandering along the code-named beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword, and encounter a number of war cemeteries along the way.

The different museums and information centres built on these very beaches serve as hallowed places of remembrance, representing a whole nation. Explore the cities of Cherbourg and Caen, which became the scenes of fierce battles subsequent to the Battle of Normandy. Head to the Falaise Pocket where the 5th and 7th German armies were encircled in August 1944 after the Battle of Normandy. Visit the Montormel Memorial and Falaise Memorial, which is devoted to the fate of civilians in wartime.

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