
Warsaw and Mazovia


In mid-north-eastern Poland, the region of Mazovia was attacked soon after WWII broke out in Gdańsk. By the end of the war, Warsaw, the capital city, lay in ruins and many inhabitants had lost their lives. Today the region’s rich heritage can be seen all around, especially in historic monuments and war museums. Walk through Warsaw’s charming old town, which was devastated during the war. At the Warsaw Rising Museum you will learn two different stories: the brutal German occupation of Poland and the creation of the Home Army, which was the largest underground military force in occupied Europe. Just beside the museum, the Warsaw Rising Monument commemorates the thousands of heroes of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Head outside of the city to the town of Kosów Lacki, to visit Treblinka Museum, built on the grounds of the former concentration camp of Treblinka.

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