
Berlin to Gdansk

The tour starts in Berlin where one of the last battles of the Second World War in Europe took place, then proceeds to Poland, where the first battle of WWII started in Gdansk in 1939. Visit today’s Poland and pay tribute to the heroes and victims of this country’s experience during WWII. For the population of Poland, the end of the Second World War was not necessarily a liberation. The arrival of the Soviet Army meant first freedom and then factually a new occupation. For many Poles the political consequences of the war lasted until 1989 when Poland became an independent and democratic state again.

Berlin to Gdansk
Day 1

Arrival in Berlin. Transfer to a hotel.

Day 2

Potsdam – Berlin

A sightseeing tour in Potsdam and Berlin by a Freedom Route: Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam – the last palace funded by Hohenzollern Family, where the Potsdam Conference was held, then a visit to the Allied Museum, Tempelhof Airport, which is a symbol liberty defence well-known around the world and a place from where thousands of people from eastern countries escaped to external countries. Next the Friedrichstraße Railway Bunker, Checkpoint Charlie, the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate, the Soviet Memorial Tiergarten. Transfer to the hotel.

Day 3


The tour continues: the German-Russian Museum, location of the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces. It is an exceptional institution sponsored by both Germany and Russia. Then a memorial plaque placed on Niebergall Street that recalls an event from 5 June 1945 when the Berlin Declaration was signed. The Berlin Wall Trail remembering the division of the city after WW II, the Soviet War Memorial in Treptow Park, one of the biggest WW II memorial in Germany. Transfer to the hotel.

Day 4

Miedzyrzecz fortification region – Poznan

Transfer to Poland in the morning. On the way to Poznan a stopover in Międzyrzecz Fortification Region, a fortified military defence line of Nazi Germany between the Oder and Warta rivers, built in 1934-38. The fortification held off the Soviet offensive in Berlin. Then transfer to Poznan: the Monument of Cryptologists breaking Enigma ciphers, Fort Winiary (now Poznan’s Citadel Park), the largest artillery fort in Europe. During WWII it was a prison for Polish, British and Soviet prisoners of war and the last German resistance point in Poznan. Next a visit to the Museum of Armament in Poznan, the Poznan Army Museum, Fort VII which during 1939-1944 was a concentration camp, the Museum for Wielkopolska Martyrs. In the evening a walk around the Old Town. An overnight stay in Poznan.

Day 5

Transfer to Warsaw. A tour in the city: The Memorial Route of Jewish Martyrdom and Struggle, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews and the Ghetto Heroes Monument, both located in the former Jewish district (Northern District) – during the war this area was a part of the concentration camp KL Warschau. Next the Katyn Museum on the citadel – a memorial for Katyn massacre. Then a walk in the Old City.

Day 6


In the morning transfer to Tricity. A sightseeing tour in Gdynia: a Post-German torpedo platform in Babie Doły, ORP Błyskawica, and a Grom-class destroyer from the Second World War. Then transfer to the hotel in Gdansk.

Day 7


The tour continues in Gdansk. A tour along the Freedom Route: Westerplatte – the place of defence of a Polish Military Transit Depot where the first battle of the Second World War took place. The attack was started by the battleship Schleswig – Holstein. Next the Polish Post Museum building, which was attacked at the same time as Westerplatte.

Day 8

Hel Peninsula

Transfer to Hel Peninsula, where the Battle of Hel was held. It took place in Jastarnia, Jurata, the city of Hel and its vicinity and its aim was to defend the Fortified Region Hel. Then a visit to the Museum of Coastal Defence. Transfer back to the hotel.

Day 9

Sztutowo – Gdansk

Transfer to Sztutowo, the area of the former concentration camp Stutthof. In the afternoon, back in Gdansk, a walking tour around the Old Town and a visit to the European Solidarity Centre. An overnight stay.

Day 10

Transfer to the airport. Departure.