

Start Sicily
End Rome
Duration 8 Days
Developed By
Name Liberation Route Europe Foundation
Country Netherlands

Rough Guides: Travel the Liberation Route Europe is a travel guide dedicated to remembrance sites and itineraries all over Europe.

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Italy and its natural and cultural richness can also be discovered through the sites and museums memorialising the Italian Campaign and the liberation of Italy: from Sicily via Montecassino to Rome. In contrast to Normandy, the Italian beaches are not littered with monuments related to WWII. However, one can visit the ruin of San Pietro Infine, used as a memorial during the war, as well as the landing beaches of Anzio and Nettuno, or Cassino and the Gustav Line sites to learn about the Battle of Cassino.

Day 1

Arrive at Palermo, in Sicily.

Day 2

Head south through Patton’s Seventh Army area at Caltanissetta to the southern coast of the island. In the afternoon, explore the American landing beaches at Licata and Gela, and historic Siracusa.

Day 3

Continue along the eastern coast of Sicily to Catania, and visit the Historical War Museum of the landings in Sicily. Then travel to Troina to see where American forces encountered their worst battle on the island.

Day 4

Head north toward the Bay of Salerno, where the 36th Division came ashore in September 1943. While there, explore the American landing beaches and the memorials.

Day 5

Continue north to Cassino for a Battlefield Tour of the Gustav Line sites. Explore Monte Lungo and San Pietro Infine. Monte Cassino, San Pietro, and Monte Lungo formed the defensive line against the approach to Monte Cassino. Walk to the Polish, Canadian and German War Cemeteries.

Day 6

Stop by the Rapido River before visiting the Commonwealth War Cemetery in Cassino. Continue north to Fonte Cerreto to see the Villetta Inn, where Benito Mussolini was imprisoned in September 1943. Continue to Gran Sasso d’Italia for a tour of Campo Imperatore, where Mussolini was rescued by Skorzeny’s Commandos.

Day 7

Travel south to Latina and explore the impressive Piana delle Orme Museum. Nettuno is where, along with Anzio, the American troops landed in January 1944. Visit the Museo dello Sbarco Alleato (Museum of the Allied Landing).

Day 8

Walk through the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery in Nettuno. Continue with a visit of the invasion beaches and the US Cemetery where 7,862 Americans are buried. Explore Nettuno and then return to Rome. End of tour.