
Lucca and the Gothic Line

Start Lucca
End Borgo a Mozzano
Duration 1 Days
Developed By
Name Turislucca
Country Italy

Visit the town sites that played a major role during the German occupation and at the moment of the liberation of Lucca by the Allies, and the fortifications of the Gothic Line at Borgo a Mozzano that defined the destinies of Lucca and its area.

Lucca and the Gothic Line

Morning – Lucca:

The walking/bike guided tour has been conceived to discover the city of Lucca with some stop-overs in crucial points of the city during the Second World War. Lunch in Lucca.


Departure for Borgo a Mozzano (20 km north of Lucca) to visit the fortifications of the Gothic Line in Borgo a Mozzano and Anchiano. Some fortifications are quite unique with varying characteristics and are all in good condition since the Gothic Line is almost totally intact in this area. The antitank wall that demarcated the front, the galleries, bunkers, and gun emplacements, are all perfectly conserved and easily accessible, and are excavated from the rock.