
Normandy: Memory of World War II

Start Caen Memorial Museum
End Caen city centre
Duration 4 Days
Developed By
Name Envol Espace
Country France

On 6 June 6 1944, Normandy was the theatre of the outcome of the Second World War. Come discover the Second Word War’s story by following the tracks of the soldiers during the landings on Utah, Sword, Omaha, Juno and Gold beach. Let yourself be guided by the mysteries and the anecdotes of D-Day.

Normandy: Memory of World War II
Day 1

Arrival in Normandy and visit of the Memorial of Caen

The Mémorial of Caen tells the tragic stories of occupation, battles and liberation, from the origins of the Second World War to the beginning of the Cold war. It is a museum of the War, D-Day and the Battle of Normandy but also a museum for peace and reconciliation.

Day 2

Arromanches, Omaha and La Cambe

Visit the D-Day Museum of Arromanches. Then, the group will go on a tour on the D-Day beaches with a specialized guide to visit the Normandy American cemetery of Colleville, Omaha Beach, Pointe du Hoc and the German cemetery of La Cambe.

Day 3

Juno and Utah Beach

Visit the Juno Beach Centre in Courseulles honouring the role of the Canadian troops during WWII. Then visit the D-Day museum of Utah Beach in the American sector.

Day 4


Guided tour of Caen: follow the tracks of the liberators of the city and learn about the memories of the daily life in June and July 1944.